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Ailén Daniela Roldán

I am Illustrator and Textile Designer

Mi nombre es Ailén y soy diseñadora textil. Me recibí en la Universidad de Buenos Aires en 2016.
Nací y me crié en Lanús, Buenos Aires junto con mis papás, mis hermanos y abuelos maternos. 
Desde muy chica me gustó dibujar, pintar y coser.

Mi abuelo era caricaturista, de él aprendí la pasión por dibujar y siempre fue mi inspiración y modelo a seguir.
Al terminar la secundaria, mi carrera no podía ser otra que no implicara lápices, colores y telas. Así fue que en 2010 me inscribí a Diseño Textil y desde ese momento mi amor por esta profesión no dejó de crecer.

Hello, there! My name is Ailen and I´m a Textile Designer graduated from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I was born and raised in Lanús, a city located in the southern part of Buenos Aires. I have lived with my parents, siblings and maternal grandparents all my life.
Since was a child, I have always found in drawing, painting and sewing the best way to express myself. I was lucky enought to have a caricaturist grandfather who was my role model in this profession.

When I finished Secondary School in 2010. I inmediately knew what I was going to study next: Textile Design because I was sure that it had to be something related with pencils, colours and fabrics. I was very enthusiastic about it and as time went by I ended up falling in love with the career.

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